Medical Malpractice

When you go to the doctor, you trust they have your best interests at heart. You trust their diagnosis and willingly obey their course of treatment. Unfortunately, mistakes can happen. Even more dangerously, intentional oversights or neglect can occur, leaving you feeling worse than when you arrived at the hospital or physician office.

Medical malpractice, or medical negligence, happens more often than you may think. Sometimes, the results are nonlife-threatening, but other times, malpractice leads to serious injury, chronic pain, or even death. In these cases, you are entitled to compensation that will cover your injuries and conditions moving forward, as well as any lifestyle or occupation changes due to the injury.

No one wants to sue their hospital, nurse, or doctor. At Grewer Law, we understand this hesitancy. However, medical malpractice cases do more than just provide you with the compensation you deserve. These cases also hold medical professionals and organizations accountable for their training practices, treatment protocols, and more. By choosing to advocate for yourself and pursue a malpractice claim, you could also be positively affecting your local medical system.

Malpractice cases can look different, and if you aren’t sure if your situation is considered malpractice, it is wise to connect with us at Grewer Law for a free consultation. Attorney Grewer’s unique background in bedside and managerial nursing allows him to see documentation and cases from a medical professional’s point of view, giving you the best advice from a legal and medical standpoint.

Some situations that could require the services of Grewer Law for medical malpractice could include:

  • A delay or complete failure in diagnosis
  • Anesthesia, medication administration, or radiological errors
  • Surgical errors
  • Improper medical treatment
  • Birth injuries (to Mom or Baby)

Medical malpractice actions are litigated in the civil court system, not the penal court system. This means your case will not determine if your physician is able to continue practicing medicine or go to jail. Instead, their insurance company will compensate you for injury incurred during their treatment.

Give our team a call to tell us about your situation. Malpractice cases can be difficult to litigate, but Attorney Grewer’s unique perspective and medical knowledge can give our clients an advantage.

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Main Office

129 Commercial Dr Suite 17
Yorkville, IL 60560



Satellite Office

105 West Madison, Suite 2300,
Chicago, IL 60602




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